Soil and leaves approach to health: what does that mean?
What do good farmers or gardeners do when they find diseased leaves on their plants? Knowing that the root of the problem begins in the soil, they investigate the soil. Why don’t we take this approach to our own health? Maybe many of us don’t know how to be our own gardeners or farmers.
Let us start with the first question: What is in our soil?
What are you eating/drinking, putting on your skin, and exposing yourself to everyday? Do you breath deeply, get enough fresh air, ground yourself or know how to manage your energy?
Are you exhausted most of the time? Do you know why?
Did you know that you have a choice in how you manage stress, your thoughts, emotional reactions, dis-ease prevention and wellness path?
It all begins with your soil, and the choices you make everyday. Your soil is the food and nourishment for your intentions; your manifestations. In what kind of soil are you planting your seeds of intentions? Does your soil need more balanced and clean energy, self-compassion, nutrition, and maybe a bit of self-forgivness?
Everyone’s soil is different, and there is not one way to live a purposeful and healthy life. But most people don’t know how to tend to their soil, and/or some feel as though they just don’t have the time. Many people get overwhelmed with the thought that any change is difficult. Feeling overwhelmed makes sense if you don’t know where to begin.
I can help!
With my guidance you will learn what you need to be a great gardener or farmer in your own life. I can support you, and help you investigate what kind of soil you have; together we can discover how to make it stronger by adding to your life, not disrupting it.
You matter.
Join me!
Kristin Stiles-Hall, LICSW, EMP She has a holistic counseling and healing practice called Spiral Healing. She is clinical social work, energy medicine practitioner and Reiki Master. She blends all her training and knowledge into a complete holistic healing practice. She is passionate about health and wellness in her own life.
There is more than one path for healing.